Why did many nations win their independence from European rule after World War II?
Britain and France tried to hold their empires at first, but after the war they had worn out their military and financial resources. With subject peoples ready to fight for freedom, many war-weary Europeans had no desire for further conflict.
How did the cold war undermine imperialism?
The cold war too undermined imperialism. The United States backed the right of colonized people to self-determination. Its rival, the Soviet Union also had long condemned western imperialism. Soon both sides were seeking allies between emerging Nations.
Why did many new nations remain unaligned?
To avoid super power rivalry, which was not allied to either side in the cold war. The goal of this was to reduce tension and promote economic policies that would help developing nations.
How many new countries emerged during the great liberation?
90 new countries emerged during the great liberation.
What problems did new nations face while seeking stability?
After the new nations had won their independence, they still faced substantial problems, only a few like India were able to sustain democratic rule. The new nations had been shaken by revolution or civil war. Usually wealthy& western educated elite had controlled the government and the economy. The people were mainly poor and had been cut off from advancement. As the problems grew the military and authority leaders often took control. They imposed order by building one party dictatorship
Britain and France tried to hold their empires at first, but after the war they had worn out their military and financial resources. With subject peoples ready to fight for freedom, many war-weary Europeans had no desire for further conflict.
How did the cold war undermine imperialism?
The cold war too undermined imperialism. The United States backed the right of colonized people to self-determination. Its rival, the Soviet Union also had long condemned western imperialism. Soon both sides were seeking allies between emerging Nations.
Why did many new nations remain unaligned?
To avoid super power rivalry, which was not allied to either side in the cold war. The goal of this was to reduce tension and promote economic policies that would help developing nations.
How many new countries emerged during the great liberation?
90 new countries emerged during the great liberation.
What problems did new nations face while seeking stability?
After the new nations had won their independence, they still faced substantial problems, only a few like India were able to sustain democratic rule. The new nations had been shaken by revolution or civil war. Usually wealthy& western educated elite had controlled the government and the economy. The people were mainly poor and had been cut off from advancement. As the problems grew the military and authority leaders often took control. They imposed order by building one party dictatorship